Mowing Arlington TX

Mowing Arlington TX

Mowing your lawn might seem like a straightforward task, but when you want your lawn in Arlington, TX, to look its best, it’s important to approach it like a pro. The climate and soil conditions in Arlington can present unique challenges, and understanding how to mow your lawn properly is crucial for achieving a lush and healthy green space. In this ultimate guide to mowing Arlington TX lawns, we’ll cover everything you need to know to mow your lawn like a pro.

1. Choosing the Right Mower

Before you even start mowing, it’s essential to choose the right mower for your lawn. In Arlington, TX, where the weather can be hot and the terrain uneven, a self-propelled, gas-powered mower is often the best choice. These mowers offer the power and maneuverability you need to tackle Arlington’s unique lawn conditions.

Consider the size of your lawn, the terrain, and your physical abilities when selecting a mower. Self-propelled mowers are ideal for larger lawns, while push mowers can work well for smaller, flatter areas.

2. Mowing Height Matters

One of the most crucial aspects of mowing like a pro in Arlington, TX, is understanding the right mowing height. Different grass types require specific cutting heights for optimal health and appearance. The most common grass types in Arlington are Bermuda grass and St. Augustine grass.

  • Bermuda Grass: For Bermuda grass, keep the cutting height between 1.5 to 2.5 inches. Mowing it shorter can stress the grass and make it more susceptible to weeds and pests.
  • St. Augustine Grass: St. Augustine grass should be mowed at a height of 2.5 to 4 inches. This grass type thrives when it’s a bit taller and provides better shade to the soil, reducing weed growth.

Mowing at the right height promotes a healthy lawn by allowing the grass to develop a robust root system and shade the soil, reducing evaporation and conserving moisture.

3. Follow the One-Third Rule

To mow your Arlington, TX, lawn like a pro, always follow the one-third rule. This rule states that you should never cut more than one-third of the grass blade’s height in a single mowing session. Cutting more than that can stress the grass and leave your lawn vulnerable to disease and pests.

Regular mowing, typically every 7-10 days during the growing season, helps you abide by the one-third rule and maintain a vibrant and healthy lawn.

4. Maintain Sharp Blades

Dull mower blades tear the grass rather than cutting it cleanly. This can lead to a brownish appearance and make the lawn more susceptible to diseases. To mow like a pro, ensure your mower blades are sharp. Sharpen them at the beginning of the mowing season and periodically throughout to maintain a crisp cut.

5. Mowing Pattern and Direction

To achieve a professional-looking lawn, vary your mowing pattern and direction. Alternate between mowing north-south and east-west on each mowing session. Changing the direction of your mowing helps prevent soil compaction and ensures an even cut.

6. Avoid Mowing in the Heat

Arlington, TX, can experience scorching summer temperatures. It’s best to avoid mowing during the hottest part of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mowing in extreme heat can stress the grass and the person doing the mowing. Early morning or late afternoon is the ideal time to mow when the temperatures are cooler, and the grass is less stressed.

7. Leave Grass Clippings (Mulching)

Instead of bagging grass clippings, consider leaving them on your lawn. This practice, known as mulching, returns valuable nutrients to the soil and helps retain moisture. It can reduce the need for fertilizers and promote a healthier, greener lawn. Just make sure the clippings are small and evenly distributed to avoid clumps.

8. Edge and Trim Regularly

To truly mow your Arlington, TX, lawn like a pro, don’t forget to edge and trim. Well-defined edges and neatly trimmed areas around flower beds, sidewalks, and fences can make a significant difference in the overall appearance of your lawn.

9. Proper Maintenance

Lastly, maintain your mower and equipment regularly. Check the oil, air filter, and spark plug of your mower, and replace them as needed. Keep the mower clean and store it properly to ensure it runs smoothly every time you need to mow.


In Arlington, TX, achieving a professionally manicured lawn is possible with the right knowledge and approach. By choosing the correct mower, mowing at the right height, following the one-third rule, maintaining sharp blades, varying your mowing patterns, mowing at the right times, and leaving grass clippings, you can enjoy a lush, healthy, and vibrant lawn that stands out in your neighborhood. So, the next time you reach for your mower, remember these tips and mow your Arlington, TX, lawn like a pro. Your lawn will thank you for it.